- 2022 -

Dragon WorldS



Held every odd year. Subject to qualification

Dragon World Championships RULES

The Royal Hellenic Cup

In 1965 His Majesty King Constantine of Greece presented the Royal Hellenic Cup, known as Epathlon Vassileos, to the International Dragon Class as the World Championship Trophy, in memory of the late King Paul who showed so much interest in the Dragons.


1. The World Championship shall be governed by the current World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the International Dragon Class Rules, the rules of the Dragon World Championships the International Dragon Class Championship Regulations and appendices, and any amendments thereto approved in writing by the IDA and in force one month prior to the date the Notice of Race is issued.

a. The World Championships are designated a Helmsmen’s Championship


2. The Championship shall be held every second odd calendar year.


3. The location of the Championship shall be determined by the International Dragon Association in General Meeting and, where possible, shall take place in the following areas in rotation:

    • Northern Europe
    • America – North and South American continents and islands
    • Southern Europe, Middle East, and Africa
    • Australia and Pacific

Only countries that are members of the International Dragon Association and have an active Dragon fleet may run the Championship. New member countries shall be allocated to a suitable area by the Association.

4. The International Dragon Association in general meeting shall select the country that is to hold the Championship at least two years in advance. The Organising Authority will be required to show that it is able and willing to meet the International Dragon Association’s requirements for arranging a major World Championship event. The host venue shall specify the maximum number of boats it can host (this number to be in the Notice of Race) and this shall be at least 75 boats.


5. The maximum number of entries (per country) that can be put forward by their National Association as qualified entrants is as follows:

Registered Dragons Per Country Qualified






















Over 400


An entry that qualifies under any other method (see rules 6, 7 and 8 below) shall be in addition to the national entitlement.

In addition, the host country will be permitted, at the discretion of the IDA depending on the number of entries, extra places up to 50% of their qualified entries.

  1. In addition, the top 20 helmsmen of the International Ranking List of the previous year are qualified.
  2. In addition, up to 2 places may be allocated at the discretion of the International Dragon Association. Applications for these places must be received by the IDA Secretary three months before the event.
  3. In addition, the following helmsmen shall automatically qualify:• The current World Champion.

    • The President and Vice Presidents of the International Dragon Association.

    • The Chairman, Vice Chairmen, Treasurer, Secretary and Chairman of the Technical Committee of the International Dragon Association.

  4. If, at the closing date for entries, the limit for the number of entries (entry form plus entry fee) has been exceeded, entries will be reduced in the following order:
    1. the Host country’s additional places
    2. the National allocations (except for the Host country)
    3. If the reduction b) has to be applied, reductions shall be proportionate as far as possible, provided that at least one entry per nation is accepted. Each country will be asked to confirm the number of its allocation attending, with any on a waiting list. If a qualified entry withdraws for any reason, that country shall be given 7 days to confirm a replacement, failing which the host country may accept any other entry at its discretion
  5. In the event that the number of qualified entries is less than the maximum number specified by the host, the host may accept additional entries with the approval of the IDA.
  1. Each Individual National Association shall notify the Organising Authority of the boats that are expected to attend, at least three months prior to the championship. National Associations may require at least two crew members to be current members of their Association.
  2. The names of helmsman, crew and boat shall be in the hands of the organising authority at least 30 days before the first race.


  1. [Spare]
  2. Helmsmen qualifying through their National allocation shall be a National of, or ordinarily resident in that country, a member of that country’s National Dragon Association and a member of a Yacht/Sailing Club recognised by that country’s National Sailing Authority.
  3. Helmsmen qualifying through the IRL shall be a member of the National Dragon Association of the country of which they are a National or are ordinarily resident and a member of a Yacht/Sailing Club recognized by that country’s National Sailing Authority.
  4. The World and European Championships are helmsmen’s events and no substitution of helmsmen is permitted. Substitution of crew other than helmsmen is permitted during a series for good and sufficient reasons approved by the Jury. The total weight of the crew after substitution shall not exceed 285 kgs
  5. Irrespective of the Owner’s/Helmsman’s Nationality or country of residence, the boat shall be entered with the sail number of her country of registration unless the Jury have previously agreed otherwise (RRS Appendix G)

Entry requirements and measurement

18. Entries shall be limited to boats holding a valid Certificate of Measurement which shall be exhibited to the Organising country as directed in the Notice of Race.

A valid Measurement Certificate is an original or copy of the Measurement Form which has been stamped by a National Sailing Authority, or is a special Measurement Certificate issued by a National Sailing Authority. (Class Rule 1.82).

  1. Boats and sails may be subject to re-measurement in accordance with the International Dragon Class Rules and the IDA Technical Committee instructions.
  2. The Organisers shall appoint a Measurer, Principal Race Officer and Chairman of the Jury approved in writing by the IDA for the event.
  3. The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions (in English) shall be approved by the IDA before publication.

Course and Scoring System

22. The type of course (windward/leeward), the scoring (low points) system and time limit shall be notified in the Notice of Race or the Sailing Instructions.

Number of Races

23. The Championship shall take place over 6 days and comprise 10 races. Only one race shall be scheduled for the first and last days. A maximum of 8 races shall be scheduled on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th days. It is recommended that there be no more than 2 races per day, but the schedule may be amended during the regatta to hold more than 2 races on any day if needed to complete a minimum regatta series. If 6 or more races are completed there will be one discard. There will be no discard if only 5 races are completed. If fewer than five races can be sailed the trophy shall not be awarded. A spare day cannot be scheduled for the last day of the series.

International Jury.

24. The Organising Authority shall appoint an International Jury from whose decisions there shall be no appeal (RRS 70.4).


  1. The title of World Champion will be awarded to the helmsman who has won the Championship.
  2. The trophy shall be held by the winning helmsman until the next Championship, but will remain the property of the donor. The holder shall be responsible for the care of the trophy (including insurance) and to see that it is in the hands of the Organising Country by the start of the next Championship.
  3. The Organising Country should provide Gold, Silver and Bronze medals (carrying the IDA logo) for the winning helmsmen and crew of the first three yachts.
  4. The Atkinson Corinthian Trophy (see Appendix 1 below) will be awarded to the helmsman of the winning boat in the Corinthian series of the Dragon World Championship. All crew members must have World Sailing Classification1.
  5. The Masters Trophy (see Appendix 2 below) will be awarded to the crew of the winning boat in the Masters series of the Dragon World Championship. In order to qualify as a competitor for the Trophy, the boat shall be crewed totally by individuals who are 50 years of age or over and who have a combined age of over 165 years on the first day of scheduled racing.


30. These rules will be subject to interpretation and amendment by the IDA.

31. An amendment to these conditions shall require a two-thirds majority of those voting in general meeting.

Note: The Corinthian and Masters trophies are required to be mentioned in the NOR. Wording may be supplied by the IDA to the Organising Authorities of the IDA Championships. It is also included in the NOR template at Appendix 6 in the IDA Championship Regulations Manual.

IDA World Championship Rules © IDA 2020

Appendix 1
World Championship Corinthian Trophy

Deed of Gift – August 2010

  1. This trophy has been presented by the David Atkinson Trust, in honour of the late David Atkinson, a skilful sailor, gentleman and long-time supporter of the Dragons in Melbourne, Australia, for competition at International Dragon World Championships.
  2. The Atkinson Corinthian Trophy is the property of the International Dragon Association [IDA].
  3. The Trophy will be competed for bi-annually within the Dragon World Championship, or as often as the Dragon World Championship is raced for if other than bi-annually. The winner of the Trophy on each occasion is entitled to hold it for display at their regular sailing club until the next Dragon World Championship. In the event that the Dragon World Championship is not awarded in any IDA approved cycle, the holder shall return The Trophy to the IDA. [Note this also covers the eventuality where the Dragon World Championship is not presented because an inadequate number of races have been sailed].
  4. In order to qualify as a competitor for the Trophy, the boat shall be crewed totally by amateur, Corinthian, sailors as defined by ISAF. Each sailor must hold a current ISAF Sailor Code Classification 1.
  5. The winner will be the helmsman of the winning boat in the Corinthian series of the Dragon World Championship. The scoring will be the low point system as used in the World Championship except that in each race the first Corinthian boat will score a win, the second Corinthian boat will score a second and so on.

Jill Atkinson
David Atkinson Trust Executor Melbourne, Australia – August 1st, 2010.

Appendix 2
World Championship Masters Trophy

Deed of Gift

  1. This trophy was presented by Thomas and Nicky Wilton in 2014 for competition at the International Dragon World Championships.
  2. The World Masters Trophy is the property of the International Dragon Association [IDA].
  3. The Trophy will be competed for bi-annually within the Dragon World

IDA World Championship Rules © IDA 2020

Championship, or as often as the Dragon World Championship is raced for if other than bi-annually. It is open to all Competitors. The winner of the Trophy on each occasion is entitled to hold it for display at their regular sailing club or home until the next Dragon World Championship. In the event that the Dragon World Championship is not awarded in any IDA approved cycle, the holder shall return The Trophy to the IDA. [Note this also covers the eventuality where the Dragon World Championship is not presented because an inadequate number of races have been sailed].

  1. In order to qualify as a competitor for the Trophy, the boat shall be crewed totally by individuals who are 50 years of age or over and who have a combined age of over 165 years on the first day of scheduled racing.
  2. The winner will be the crew of the winning boat in the Masters series of the Dragon World Championship. The scoring will be the same system as used in the World Championship.

Thomas and Nicky Wilton
UK, 1 December 2014
[This Deed of Gift was ratified by the IDA AGM in October 2015]

Rules last updated at AGM 2016 Tim Pearson, IDA Secretary.

IDA World Championship Rules © IDA 2020