| Dragon Worlds NEWS |
dragon worlds News no 6 | April, 15 th 2021 | Germany |
Worlds postponed by one year
April 2021. Due to on-going safety concerns and future uncertainty caused by the pandemic, Segelclub Kühlungsborn, the International Dragon Association and the German National Dragon Association have decided together to postpone the Dragon World Championship to June 12th to 17th 2022.
“A critical factor has been” – so Gregor Berz, Commodore of the German National Dragon Association – “the desire to ensure planning security for both participants and organizers. As this announcement is made all accommodation for visitors on site will still be closed for several weeks. Even if – as we still expect – pure sailing will be possible in Kühlungsborn from the middle of June, responsible preparation of a Dragon World Championship is not feasible.
We are very happy to have the spontaneous commitment of the IDA for the new date next year. This allows us to fulfil our topmost objective to invite worldwide Dragon sailors to a Dragon World Championship in Germany as soon as possible.”